Brand Ambassador
Are you the next Brand Ambassador for Janine Pretorius Photograpy?
Before reading here!!!
Please note that you should stay in the Krugersdorp are, or be willing to travel to Krugersdorp for photo shoots.
What is a Brand Ambassador?
A brand ambassador is a person who represents and advertises a company, supports its offers and acts as the embodiment of the company’s corporate identity through words and actions. Brand ambassadors are people who use the services of a company/business, and then promotes the company/business online and offline. Brand ambassadors do not need fixed qualifications.
What does a Brand Ambassador do?
Their job is to create and consolidate the relationship between the company’s presence and the customer. Brand ambassadors can be found on various channels such as blogs and personal websites as well as on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and LinkedIn. Social media has become an effective field in recent years. Brand ambassadors make full use of these channels to promote the company. In addition, brand ambassadors are also used for employer branding. Brand Ambassadors will share posts and advertisements shared by the company/business as well as interact online with the company/business in the comments and or tag people in posts to promote the compnany/business.
What is the cost to be a Brand Ambassador for Janine Pretorius Photography?
Your first photo shoot as a Brand Ambassador will be R500.
Why do you have to pay this R500?
In 2022, I had a model who entered for the Brand Ambassador program, we did the first shoot {costed me lots of money to travel to a venue, I paid for her outfits and entrance to the venue and spent over 3 hours at her photo shoot}, a week after I delivered the photos to her and her mom, the model and the mom block me on all social media as well as on email and whatsapp.
In 2023, I had 3 models who did the same.
So unfortunately for that reason I have to charge for the first session. The R500 that you are paying for your first session, will go towards venue fees or traveling costs etc. I don't want to make any money from the Brand Ambassadors, but I am also not willing to allow people to abuse my kind heart, efforts and time.
Once you have paid for your first photo session and you successfully carry out the duties as my Brand Ambassador, you will not pay for another photo shoot with me again as a Brand Ambassador. {Please note that you will also get discount vouchers that you can share with your family and friends as an exclusive perk}.
There are no other costs involved except for the following:
Using your own data & WiFi.
Traveling to and from photo shoots will be for your own account.
Outfits, Make-up & Hair will be for your own account when and if required for a photo shoot.
If we do a photo shoot at a venue that requires an entrance fee, you must please pay your own entrance fee. {You will not be required to pay for venue fees such as an hourly rate to use the venue/room etc}
Do I pay for the photo shoots?
No, you will not have to pay for any of the photo shoots that you are invited to attend.
When will photo shoots take place?
Photo shoots will take place mostly over weekends, unless you are available during the week.
Will I, as the Brand Ambassador be paid for my time?
Not in monetary value, but in an exchange capacity. You offer your time for free photo shoots.
Janine Pretorius Photography, offers a free service in exchange for online and offline advertisement services.
Each photo shoot that you will be invited to attend, will be at the value of R800 - R2500.
This means, if you had to pay for your photo shoot, you could pay anything from R800 to R2500.
What do I have to do as a Brand Ambassador?
You have to advertise Janine Pretorius Photography daily/weekly using the photographs that was taken at your free brand ambassador photo shoot.
You can use any and all Social Media platforms. You can advertise by handing out pamphlets and business cards as well. {I will provide the pamphlets and business cards}.
How long will I be a brand ambassador?
Every six months, I choose new brand ambassadors.
Terms & Conditions/Rules to become a Brand Ambassador:
- You may not be a Brand Ambassador for any other Media company such as another photographer or videographer.
- You will not be chosen as a Brand Ambassador, if you have paid for services at another photographer in the last 6 months, this excludes modeling school exam photographs as well as Mini Sessions done at school. If you had to physically plan, look and search then book and pay another photographer, you will be excluded.
- You do not need any modeling experience, but you MUST be comfortable in front of the camera.
- I will choose models with a higher influence level.
- It is not beneficial to me as a business to do 10 free photo shoots for models who don't have a tiktok, Facebook or even Instagram accounts.
- You should have at least 500 followers on Tiktok and Instagram and have more then 1500 friends or followers on Facebook if you are going to use a private profile, for a public Facebook profile, you should have a minimum of 500 followers.
Terms & Conditions/Rules once you are chosen to be a Brand Ambassador:
- You may not pay another photographer for the same services that I offer.
- You may not post inappropriate content on your social media, that will place Janine Pretorius Photography in a bad light. {No nude or sexualized content may be posted}.
- If you attend a Brand Ambassador Photo Shoot, and you do not advertise Janine Pretorius Photography on a regular basis, you will be removed and will not be invited to any more free photo shoots.
- You do not need to spends loads of money on new outfits, but you should be dressed and groomed appropriately for photo shoots.
- Please wash your hair, shave, manicure your nails etc for any Brand Ambassador photo shoot.
- For the older ladies, if you are not comfortable wearing makeup, please ensure that you are groomed. {Waxed eye brows, clean nails, washed hair etc}.
Your first photo shoot will be FREE of charge. I will share the ideas with you and we can brainstorm.
After your first photo shoot, you will receive 5 edited/retouched photographs to share on social media.
In order to receive more photographs from your session:
- For every share on either Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram etc, you will receive one free photograph on top of your other 5 photographs. So if you share on Facebook and tag "Janine Pretorius Photography", you will receive one photograph.
If you share another post on Tiktok or Instagram and tag me, you will receive another photograph.
Depending on how many photographs we took at your session, you will be able to get the full gallery by just sharing and tagging.
How to qualify for another FREE photo shoot after your first one:
- If you refer a client to Janine Pretorius Photography, and that person/client successfully books and PAYS for their session, you will immediately receive an invite to attend another Free Brand Ambassador photo shoot. You will then again receive 5 edited/retouched photographs, and for every share you will receive another free photograph.
If you again refer another client, and they book and pay, you will receive another photo shoot.
There is no limit to how many free photo shoots you can accumulate in your 6 months as a Brand Ambassador.
My schedule will not always allow us to do the photo shoots, but I will always make a plan to give you, your free photo shoot even if it happens after the 6 months as your time being a Brand Ambassador.
Social Media tags:
I am on a number of community groups, weddings groups, mommy groups, school groups, but I just don't have the time to tag myself in every post asking for a photographer.
It would be high appreciated if you can help me out with this. If you see someone asking for a Matric Farewell or Maternity photographer etc, please share my social media links as well as my website with them. You can tag me, but unfortunately, I don't always see group tags, so you can screenshot it and share it with me.
However, I do ask the following regarding posts on social media asking for photographers.
Please don't tag me in the following posts:
- People asking for a cheap photographer but excellent quality. {Unfortunately, excellent quality can not be achieved by a hiring a cheap photographer, and my prices reflect my skill and equipment}.
- Posts asking for a student photographer. {I haven't been a student photographer for over 10 years}.
- Lastly, the posts "'n briljante fotograaf wat nie 'n arm en been vra nie". {I do charge the price of an arm and a leg, so I won't be a suitable photographer for that person, and I wouldn't want to waste their time by sharing my pricing, but they don't want to pay quality price}.
Last words:
The more you share, the more photographs you will get from your session.
For every client who books and pays with me due to your referral, you get another free photo shoot.
It is actually very easy to be a Brand Ambassador.
Step 1: You attend your first free photo shoot.
Step 2: You share the photographs you have received from the photo shoot.
If you have read all the above information and are still interested in becoming my Brand Ambassador, please complete the application form in the link below.
Closing date for current Brand Ambassador application: 2 February 2024.
Successful models will be notified on the 5th of February 2024.